
Aug. 14, 2024

Word of the Week - Fellowship

The Importance of Fellowship in Christian Life In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh dives into the significance of 'fellowship' or 'koinonia' as described in the New Testament. Highlighting k…
Aug. 13, 2024

Persecuted but Not Defeated: A Study in Acts 12 - Sunday Evening August 11, 2024

Faith Amidst Persecution: Peter's Miraculous Deliverance in Acts 12 Pastor Josh from Middletown Baptist Church delves into Acts chapter 12, discussing the persecution faced by the early church and the miraculous deliverance …
Aug. 12, 2024

Eternal Investments - Sunday Morning August 11, 2024

Investing Eternally: A Sermon on Living for Christ Pastor Josh from Middletown Baptist Church delivers an in-depth sermon focused on eternal investments, urging listeners to live for God's eternal purpose rather than tempora…
Aug. 10, 2024

Sermon Preview - Sunday August 11, 2024

Eternal Investments: A Preview of 2 Corinthians 5 Pastor Josh provides a preview of the upcoming Sunday sermon titled 'Eternal Investments' at Middletown Baptist Church on August 11th. The sermon will focus on 2 Corinthians …
Aug. 9, 2024

The Story of Ruth: Finding God’s Provision - Wednesday Evening August 7, 2024

Deep Dive into the Book of Ruth: Lessons of Faith, Obedience, and Redemption In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh introduces a new Bible study series focusing on the Book of Ruth, an Old Test…
Aug. 7, 2024

Word of the Week - Love

Understanding Agape: The True Meaning of Love in Scripture In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast's 'Word of the Week' series, Pastor Josh delves into the biblical concept of 'Agape' love. He explains its c…
Aug. 6, 2024

Peter's Escape and the Power of a Praying Church - Sunday Evening August 4, 2024

Peter's Imprisonment and the Power of Persistent Prayer In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh delves into Acts chapter 12 to discuss the early church's trials and triumphs. He examines the mar…
Aug. 5, 2024

Eternal Hope in Christ: Living by Faith, Not by Sight - Sunday Morning August 4, 2024

Living with Eternal Hope: Confidence in Christ In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh explores the theme of confident hope in Christ, focusing on 2 Corinthians chapter 5. He emphasizes that bel…
Aug. 3, 2024

Sermon Preview Sunday August 4, 2024

Our Heavenly Hope: A Preview of the Sunday Sermon at Middletown Baptist Church Pastor Josh provides a preview of the upcoming Sunday sermon on August 4th at Middletown Baptist Church, titled 'Our Heavenly Hope'. The sermon w…
Aug. 2, 2024

Foundations of Faith: The Story of Joseph - Wednesday Evening July 31, 2024

Understanding Genesis 50: Lessons of Mourning and Forgiveness In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh delves into Genesis chapter 50, guiding listeners through the final passages of the book of …
July 31, 2024

Word of the Week - Grace

Understanding Grace: Unmerited Favor in Christianity In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast series 'Word of the Week,' Pastor Josh explores the concept of 'grace' within the Christian faith. He defines grac…
July 30, 2024

Wisdom and Faith in Action: Lessons from James - Evening Service July 28, 2024

True Faith: Lessons from the Book of James In this script, the speaker dives into an in-depth study of James chapters 3 and 4, drawing parallels between the authentic Christian life and the superficial persona that some may …
July 29, 2024

REPLAY - Grace, Comfort, and Compassion: A Journey Through 2 Corinthians - Morning Service - April 28, 2024

The God of All Comfort: An Overview of 2 Corinthians Pastor Josh welcomes listeners to the Middletown Baptist Church podcast and introduces a new series exploring 2nd Corinthians. He provides background on the church of Cori…
July 27, 2024

Sermon Preview - Sunday July 28, 2024

Upcoming Sunday Service Preview at Middletown Baptist – Featuring Safe Helps Ministry Pastor Josh previews the Sunday morning service on July 28th at Middletown Baptist Church, highlighting special guests Brother Toby and Am…
July 24, 2024

Word of the Week - Propitiation

Understanding Propitiation: The Satisfaction of God's Wrath In this episode of Middletown Baptist Church's Word of the Week podcast, Pastor Josh explores the biblical term 'propitiation.' He explains how propitiation signifi…
July 23, 2024

Authentic Church Through Scripture: A Study of Acts 11 - Evening Service July 21, 2024

Authentic Church Through Scripture: Lessons from Acts 11 In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh delves into Acts chapter 11, explaining the challenges Peter faced for ministering to Gentiles an…
July 22, 2024

Is it worth it? - Sunday Morning July 21, 2024

Endurance Through Faith: Finding Strength in Sacrifice In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh explores the concept of sacrifice and endurance in the Christian faith. Drawing from 2 Corinthians …
July 20, 2024

Is it worth it? - Sunday Sermon Preview for July 21, 2024

Is It Worth It? Exploring 2nd Corinthians Chapter 4 Pastor Josh previews an upcoming Sunday sermon at Middletown Baptist Church scheduled for July 21st. Titled 'Is it Worth It?' the sermon focuses on 2nd Corinthians chapter …
July 19, 2024

Understanding Our Spiritual Heritage - Wed Evening July 17, 2024

Understanding Jacob's Prophecies in Genesis 49: Significance and Future Implications In this Middletown Baptist Church podcast episode, Pastor Josh delves into Genesis 49, focusing on Jacob's prophecies and blessings to his …
July 17, 2024

Word of the Week -Justification

Understanding Justification Through Faith in Jesus Christ Pastor Josh delves into the theological concept of justification, highlighting its significance in Christian faith. He explains that justification means being declare…
July 16, 2024

Navigating Contention in the Early Church - Sunday Evening July 14, 2024

Navigating Contention in the Early Church - Sunday Evening July 14, 2024 Unifying Through the Gospel: Lessons from Acts 11 This sermon delves into Acts chapter 11, highlighting the significance of Peter's ministry to Corneli…
July 15, 2024

From Struggles to Strength - Sunday Morning July 14, 2024

From Struggles to Strength : Finding Hope in 2 Corinthians In this episode, the speaker delves into 2 Corinthians chapter 4, specifically verses 8-12, to explore the theme 'From Struggles to Strength.' Continuing from the pr…
July 13, 2024

Suffering to Strength - Sunday Sermon Preview - July 14, 2024

Suffering to Strength Pastor Josh gives a preview of his upcoming sermon titled 'Suffering to Strength' scheduled for Sunday morning, July 14th, at Middletown Baptist Church. The sermon will focus on facing life's difficulti…
July 11, 2024

Biblical Reflections on Pride and Humility - Wednesday Evening July 10 2024

Lessons from the Tribes of Israel: Humility, Repentance, and Faithfulness This sermon delves into the biblical stories of Jacob's sons Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, and Dan, exploring their actions, consequ…